The usual legal argument is that you have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself. His error was shooting the bad guy another 5 times. That showed obvious anger and intent to harm the bad guy. If he had left well enough alone, he likely would not have been charged for shooting the robber the first time.


On 30/12/2011 7:21 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:
Well it was actually a pretty big surprise the guy even got thrown in jail here at all. Usually people can go ahead and shoot other people around here who are in the middle of robbing them no problem. For some reason they decided to make an example out of this guy. People are really pissed about it around here for sure.

Here is the story

And video of the crime.

On 12/30/2011 6:41 PM, Dan Penoff wrote:
If he was in Florida, he would probably have walked. The "right to defend" laws here are pretty clear about one's ability to defend themselves against harm.

Sadly, there was a situation a year or two ago where an angry old man got pissed about some kids skateboarding in a public area in his neighborhood. He went out, waving a gun to threaten them. Another neighborhood resident, who was in the same area with his young daughter, confronted him about hassling the kids and the old guy shot and killed the man right in front of his daughter.

This is probably one of the times the right to defend law got stretched, as the judge just threw the case out on those grounds, as the old dude claimed he felt threatened by the guy. I don't think the judge was happy about it, but the case law was pretty clear, so I don't think he had a choice.

Nothing is perfect, folks...


On Dec 30, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:

We had a pharmacist here who got prison time, some punks came in to rob his store, he emptied his clip into one of them, the others ran away. He then was so freaked out he went behind the counter, got another gun and emptied that one into the guy as well. I think the guy should have got a medal.

On 12/30/2011 12:08 PM, Dan Penoff wrote:
Thankfully, this is now legal in Florida.

I'm not a pro-gun or no-gun advocate, but I have often had an issue with one's ability to defend one's home and personal space.

After reading the article, it's clear the perps were career scumbags and deserved what they got. At least the one they targeted. The one that got away will probably be on the street shortly (after they catch him.)


On Dec 30, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Scott and Gwen Ritchey wrote:

Got a haircut today and my barber seemed somewhat preoccupied. Turns out
that an hour earlier, his grand nephew shot and killed one of several
intruders. The grand nephew (age 14) and his sister (who was taking a shower at the time) were home alone when they were startled by several armed intruders who burst into the house. The kid shot the one but the others
ran; the sheriff was searching for them last I heard.  I hope the kid
doesn't have any long-term psychological damage from this but otherwise I
consider it a very satisfactory solution to a bad situation.


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