Isn't this a chicken/egg thing? We have lousy rail service so nobody wants to 
ride it so our costs per passenger are high. The answer is simply more 
passengers but that requires making rail travel better which requires money...

Example, the Accela Express between Boston and NYC, I've ridden it a bunch. 
Takes 3 hours, why? Because the rails in CT suck. You're flying along, 150mph 
(clocked with my GPS) until you hit CT, WHOA NELLY! Slow down to 60mph because 
the tracks aren't welded. Then you get held up because the switching system is 
all old and outdated. Which state is the bulk of the ride through? CT of 
course. So upgrade CT, you shake 1 whole HOUR off the trip on the most popular 
and profitable service Amtrak has. However Amtrack works under all these weird 
public/private rules like the post office does so no-way.

Another good example, I was in Iowa. Wanted to go to Chicago. Amtrak is a good 
solution, its not that far, not that expensive. Strange problem, train doesn't 
go through Des Moines, it goes through Ottumwa. Can't return my rental car to 
Ottumwa, can't get a bus to Ottumwa, taxi or car service to Ottumwa is crazy 
Simple solution? Run the train to the biggest dang city in the state. Why not? 
Well nobody in Iowa wants to ride the train. Funny how that works.

I do wish we had (or I knew how to get) real numbers on this kind of thing. I 
like rail and you're right it has plenty of limitations. It doesn't replace air 
service, done right it supplements it and does so well. The train to NYC is so 
much better because it goes into Manhattan which saves me a horrible $45 cab 
ride from the airport while costing about the same as the flight but being more 
comfortable and including wi-fi.

Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 15:42:47 -0700
From: G Mann <>
To: Mercedes Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Energy Victory?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I'll take that challenge, TYVM.. Let's compare the total numbers of
passengers for each, on a passenger to dollar ratio.  I'm betting the
factual cost per passenger mile traveled and seat sold is far greater by
train, in public dollars expended.  Further, the greatest consumer of fuel
[besides trucking industry] is airlines. Millions of gallons of JetA are
purchased each day....with a hefty tax paid on each gallon by the flying
public [hidden in ticket costs]. Those fuel tax incomes fill the public
coffers far more than a train does.  So again [I'm not an accountant, and
this argument needs one to do the numbers] it appears that Airports are
self funding.... to a greater extent than trains.

Same argument can be made for the thousand of cars using public roads
Library tax anyone?  I pay it here.. bet you do also..
School tax... same..

I like your question, "where does it all end".... to which I have no answer.

I do know without reservation that failure of government to practice sound
fiscal policy by spending more than they take in to push some social
engineering pet project has gotten us all in one hell of a mess...

Easy answers..... Listening... Hoping.... but then,,, at one time I
believed in Santa Claus....


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