Frod started squeezing the suppliers by 10% per year 20 years ago. They learned it from Evil Sam.

In the intervening years, it has become a fairly standard practice.

You don't believe Dell, HP/Compaq/whoare we today? does the same thing?

How about asus or ____(fill in your favorite brand)_______?

How bout lenovo, whom may here worship? You think all their employees are treated like american IBEW members?

If so, I have some lakefront property I'd like to sell you.

Almost any product you buy is produced by people who have been squeezed year after year.

If you don't like that, then buy fresh/buy local But you won't be owning any electronics. Mother Earth News will start you on your path to life off the grid.

Sound like Walton-Mart:

"To that end, the Times reports that Apple has conducted supplier audits and published the results on its web site. At the same time, Apple pushes its suppliers to manufacture huge volumes with little notice at very low costs and razor-thin profit margins.

"And every year it requires those suppliers to reduce their prices by 10 percent, reports the Times. Apple is an amazingly greedy company." [written by a true marxist]

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