The one thing to remember about the HPs, Dells, etc., that you purchase in big box stores are that they are consumer grade products.

I never realized how much of a difference there was between business grade and consumer grade machines until I started working on them.

If you want something that will last and be reliable, bite the bullet and move up to a business grade computer.


Or build your own. Thats all HP/Compaq/What's our name today, and dell do. Granted, they like to throw in one or two proprietary parts so you have to buy repairs/upgrades from them. But all they do is assemble mostly off the shelf parts. THeyn they screw you with a screwy BIOS.

The old winders machine I built with cheap components in 1998 still runs fine. Drives have been upgraded a couple times.
Other boxes I built in 2001 are still running too

Ones I upgraded later are still running. Had a few dead PS and a couple of noisy fans. (and dead HDs.)

Original Apple IIe , GS, PB 165, Mac 7100, 7500, Performa 6250, and G4 Mac Pro are all running, although most have not been used for some time.

Anyone want donations for a computer museum?

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