On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 06:52:46AM -0500, Bob DuPuy wrote:
> Hey fellow Dieselers,
> Will occasionally running high sulfur diesel in a 2005 Ford power
> choke do any harm? I figured Ford has to say don't do it due to
> emission restrictions, but is there really a compatibility problem
> with the engine components?

Ford released a bulletin (and I don't have it handy) saying that the powerchoke
would be okay with minimal use of high sulfur diesel. It isn't as much 
emissions restrictions (since powerchokes don't have very few particulates
due to design unless you chip it and exchange longevity for power), but 
all the fine passages and the ungodly expensive catalytic that don't appreciate
the extra sulfur, which comes out as soot. Also don't forget that powerchokes
have EGR built in. This bulletin only came out because of fuel shortages
predicted due to the 1-2 punch the gulf's petroleum system received this
season - they would not have otherwise released this bulletin.

Ford has other bulletins out for troubleshooting that points to poor quality
fuel (meaning higher sulfur than it should have) causing most driveability
complaints causing emissions systems to go wonky.

I think I know what you are trying to do, it's not worth it. The 6.0 is so
much more fussy than the 7.3 it replaced, and parts are more expensive by
orders of magnitude.


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