Used to be that you took the night soil (poop) and contents of the piss pot (if 
you did not live in town, where that was needed at the tannery) to the garden.  
Three sided compost pen where you emptied the chamber pot, cover it with hay, 
toss the liquid on, and kitchen scraps went there as well.  Weeds too.  Turn it 
once a month, and in the spring you amend the soil in the garden.

Granddad told me about this when I asked him about the quality of his veggies.  
After I walked to the garden and found him discharging the processed beer into 
the hay filled bin.  He was not interested in walking back inside while 
gardening and the old fridge was stocked to the gills with cases of beer.  
Gardening was a six pack affair.  That allowed enough time away from Granny, 
got the work done and kept Granddad hydrated.


On Jan 7, 2013, at 8:41 AM, Curt Raymond wrote:

> But haven't you heard? There are geeeeerms and they're going to 
> kiiiiiiilllllll you. Live in fear, buy our anti-germ stuff, it'll save you. 
> If it doesn't we'll sell you some new some new anti-germ stuff.
> I've read that IBS is basically unheard of in the third world, the current 
> working theory is that some of the parasites in our gut that we work so hard 
> to kill are actually good for us and keep our gut running right. Thus our 
> germ-o-phobic world resigns some (many?) people to the bathroom.
> People are funny about stuff, poo especially. I keep thinking I ought to 
> start humanure composting. I've read the handbook, we did an experiment at 
> camp one time (shoveling out a full outhouse is no fun, I'm looking for an 
> alternative) and ended up with nothing. Meaning one bucket full of "stuff" 
> (which is to say poo covered in sawdust) from the trial dumped in a pile in 
> the woods with leaves added over top became nothing in 1 year, meaning I 
> couldn't find where I'd dumped it... At home I was thinking about how much 
> water we'd save.
> -Curt
> Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 09:35:17 -0600
> From: Dieselhead <>
> To: Mercedes Discussion List <>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT shoes and repair
> Message-ID: <a06240803cd109a5b042c@[]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
>>> I've heard shoes are one thing to never buy used.  Don't they form to the
>>> owners foot?
>> And why would they not RE-form?  At least until they were ready
>> to RE-tire.
>> I'm not big on used shoes.  (Nor underwear, mattresses, etc.)
>> But hey, I wear socks so what do I care?  I'd think that with
>> some nuclear-grade disinfectant, and maybe a day or so in the
>> shop oven at 200 degrees, that a quality used shoe would be worth
>> considering.
>> -- Jim
> Sheesh!  what's the big deal? Have these guys never put bare feet on 
> a beach?   There used to be a song about "Its a treat to put your 
> feet in da Mississippi mud"   Mississippi mud is exquisitely smooth, 
> and the residue sticks to your skin like used OM616 motor oil.
> Bacteria and fungi are everywhere.  If you are healthy, your body is 
> equipped to fight them off.  Spray em with your favorite disinfectant 
> (if you must) and move on.
> One of the problems with our society is that we are too sterile.
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