Was cuy one of the courses?  That would probably freak them out too.


On 3/23/13 12:19 PM, Dan Penoff wrote:
This reminds me of when I was attending a state dinner in Peru at the 
invitation of President Fujimori. My business associate was Peruvian, and 
whenever we went to Peru on business he usually had something going on on the 
side.  He had been instrumental in getting GE Medical (based in Milwaukee, 
close to our homes) and some of his fellow Peruvian expat friends to arrange 
for the donation of a CAT scanner to a rural Peruvian hospital that they 
supported.  When we were in Peru on business we would often spend weekends in 
the town nearby, volunteering our services at the hospital. The only thing that 
would interrupt our visits were the activities of the Shining Path rebels who 
roamed the area.  They liked to kidnap and kill white people (non-Peruvians.)

Anyway, Fred had been invited to this state dinner with the president and I was 
invited as his associate.  There was a couple from the Milwaukee area who was 
also involved who decided they wanted to make their first trip out of the US to 
Peru so they could attend this dinner.  Needless to say they were, uh, less 
than worldly...

As one would expect, the dinner was lengthy and consisted of many courses.  
After one of the first courses the servers brought out sorbet (so the palate 
can be cleansed for the next entree) and placed it on the plates in front of 
us.  It was in the requisite sorbet cups.

The wife of the visiting couple leans over to Fred and says, "Is dinner over?  
They're serving sherbet already!"


And yes, we had to tell them which spoon to use, too.

Dan "When in doubt, pinkies out!"

On Mar 23, 2013, at 11:50 AM, WILTON wrote:

Yes, and a few months before I was at Sondrestrom, P. Philip remained
overnight one night in my building, "partied" into the "wee" hours with the group of officers and 
civilian managers in our lounge/TV area and wrote a long note with his signature in one of the overhead 
"boxes" in the coffered ceiling just as all of us did before departing for the last time. I haven't meant to 
say or to imply that many members of royal families are not fine and respectable ladies and gentlemen and fun to be 
with.  My overall point is that one's position of birth (or married to it) should not require or merit another's bow 
and scrape to him/her.  I respect them (or anybody) for their actions, character, integrity, etc., not because of 
"birthright" or who their spouse is.  Even with royal titles, they're still only humans - no more, no less 
than the rest of us.

BTW, I also did not bow to Queen Marguerethe II of Denmark when she visited us.  She didn't turn up 
her nose and get all haughty about it, either, and we were able to converse amicably anyway.  'Had 
dinner one evening with Princess Elisabeth of Denmark and her "boyfriend", 
"Jake." I've never been a  very good dancer, but the Princess and I pretended that it was 
OK, anyway, during a couple of turns on the dance floor.  BTW, P. Elisabeth is not a very petite 
young thing, and I was reminded of the many portraits of European royals with prominent eyes and 

BTW, again, at dinner with the Danish Minister of Defense on another evening, Mrs. Minister told me TWICE that her 
husband "is at the same level as your Secretary of Defense."  My reply both times, "Yes, I know." 
'Don't know if she was concerned that I did not seem "impressed" enough, or what. I talked to 'im just as I 
would SECDEF, including the appropriate, "Yes, Sirs, No, Sirs, etc."


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rich Thomas" 
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT -Adventure on ice cap or greet royalty?

Prince Philip being Liz's hubby?  I really like that dude, he seems like he 
would be fun to party with.  And Chuck is the idiot son?

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