This was my "$400 restoration".  We've all had at least one of these, admit it. 
 A project you get so far into you'll never get out.  I'm almost ashamed to say 
what I put into it total, suffice that it was very low five figures.  Ouch.  A 
"teachable moment" if there ever was one.

Note that the shop it is in in Sheboygan, WI, was the original building that 
belonged to the Krueger family.  The old dude in the background is the son of 
the founder, who originally started out as a carriage builder and repair shop 
after the Civil War, which morphed into auto body repairs after the 
introduction of the horseless carriage.  Electricity was an afterthought in 
this building.  What you can't see is the big ramp on the outside of the 
building that they used to get carriages into the shop on the second floor.....

If you look closely you can see the wooden floors.

Sadly, when the old man passed the building was sold and razed.

When I got it for $400.  You can't see the Fred Flintstone front floors:

In Krueger's shop, where it had over 300 hours of work done on it:

The finished product:



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