I could do all of this, but I don't really have the time or money to keep
running out to this guy.  inline wasn't a see-through filter, but it was all
MB parts under the hood.

On 1/20/06, Mitch Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sunil Hari wrote:
> > 215Kmi, but the engine looks good.  Car won't go above 25 MPH.
> Could be one of the three filters. Was the inline filter a
> see-through? Did it have black crud in it?
> Might be fun to put a new spin-on on it and run it off a
> fuel bottle. It would cost me a couple hundred in fuel to drag
> it home if I had to trailer it. My niece and nephew-in-law
> are desperate for reliable transport, and a 240d is pretty
> much indestructible if you keep it full of antifreeze and
> oil.
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Sunil Hari

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