Just depends on when I get to the PnP in relation to when the car gets
out.  If I am there before the mexicans, the engines are whole.  Once
the latins arrive, it is a piraña feeding fest

Given the state of some of the cars I see at the U-Pull, more of
a piñata feeding fest!  Didn't bring the right tools?  Got a hammer
instead?  The majority of my fellow visitors to the yard seem to
speak Spanish or Russian.  Two ethnic groups that currently really
know how to stretch a dollar.  Most of my acquaintances will spend
_more_ time tracking down a new part, and certainly more money,
than they would to make a 1-hour visit to the used parts yard.
The fact that their entire _car_ is used doesn't seem to mitigate
their distaste for direct recycling.

Nothing newer than about 10yo ever gets to ours, unless it's something
truly invisible/wretched.  Ford and Chevy eek-yawn-o-boxes for example.

-- Jim

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