Meade Dillon wrote:

However, the victim decided to resist, fight and then run.  I'm not
excusing the cop, but it seems to me the victim would still be making CO2
if he'd just complied and gone to jail.  Bad decisions on the parts of both

Kind of like Ferguson. Looking at the histories of Brown and Wilson, you can tell that what happened there is two criminal assholes ran up against each other and got in a fatal fight. It appears that Wilson was probably legal in his actions against Brown, but it doesn't change the fact that I've seen unrelated video proving he belongs in jail for the things he did on the job. All's well that ends well, however. I'm OK with the fact that Brown isn't breathing anymore, and I'm OK with the fact that Wilson isn't a cop anymore.

I'm not OK with the fact that Sharpton, Holder, et al, were allowed to stir up a bunch of racist crap over the incident. I am OK with the fact that the DOJ stepped in and shined a bright light on the cockroaches, and openly declared that the justice system (the judges more than the cops) is totally broken in Ferguson.


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