I will gladly take berry plants off your hands. Are you anywhere near D.C.?

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:29 AM, clay via Mercedes <mercedes@okiebenz.com>

> I have been working the past two weeks and not been able to play with
> stuff at home.  Today I got to see what the garden was up to.  It has been
> going nuts.
> I began work on the chicken run, so the gals can play outside without Papa
> chicken around.  Should have that nailed down by the end of the week.
> Looked around the garden and yanked some weeds and saw all the dang
> volunteers and plants that need new homes.  Freecycle got lost of postings
> for adoption of Marionberries, Dogwood tree starts, Crocomisia, Sedums, and
> some other thing I am now forgetting.
> The pumpkin starts, watermelon starts and broccoli and greens all got
> placed.  I am keeping an eye on the carrots, lettuce and beans (from seed)
> while the tomato and peppers are getting a chance to build strength before
> getting placed in the beds.  The chicks will get to eat whatever sprouts
> from the weavil infested bird seed I spread in a bare patch of ground that
> will be enclosed in a month.  The girls do need to have lots of space to
> wander and explore.
> The O'Henry Peach tree was starting to have some leaf curl troubles, and
> as luck would have it, I still have a whole bottle of the now banned Sulfur
> spray solution, so that got applied.  I had to keep the chicks away from
> that section of the garden while I had them out on the lawn this
> afternoon.  Wonderful day with 76*f temps.
> clay
> Who will address the dang leaking power steering pump on Tuesday
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