I saw one once in Cambridge, MA that the guy (an "old" dude obviously with lots of cash, was kind of a gold chain and pinky ring type) had mounted this large crystal and silver hood ornament on. The crystal base was a hexagon or something, about 4" dia with flutings like an old roman column, and the silver winged thing on top stood another 6' tall or so, and was about that wide. I could not really tell what it was supposed to be, but it looked like hell. I thought a seagull had impaled itself on the hood, but it was worse than that -- almost as bad as they way his wife looked.

"A Touch of Class" as the Italians liked to announce via a plate on the front of the car, sometimes with a red rose behind the letters. No offense to any Italians out there, but if you live around Cambridge, Reveah, Summahvull, Meffuh, etc you know exactly what I mean. This guy looked like a paving or hauling contractor.


Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:


dave walton wrote:

Were all the W140 S600's long wheelbase?


-Dave Walton
94S350, 99E300

On 1/29/06, Brian Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fanciers, I was in Minneapolis tonight to hit a party at First Avenue, and I
walked past an interesting Benz: From the late '80s or early 90's by me
estimation. Long wheelbase. Didn't pay much attention 'til I saw the
uncharacteristic "V12" emblem on the side (I think behind the rear passenger
window) (the style of the lettering was what looked funny to me). The model
badge on the back read 600S if I recall. Is this legit? Incidentally, the
license plate read "PRES".


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