This is timely....

I'm sitting at my tire guy's place while their boost charger gives the diesel 
some juice. If you recall, I ran it down last night but charged it back up 
after 45 minutes and it lit right off. Same thing this morning - lit right off 
after a short glow.

Tire guys brought out one of those jumper packs and it did nothing. I wasn't 

I'm going to charge the crap out of it when I get home and probably swap out 
the battery for the MB battery that was in the S500 coupe. It's been on a 
maintenance charger for a couple of months just waiting to be used.


> On Feb 21, 2016, at 1:06 PM, Curly McLain via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> Save your money.  I've never seen  one with enough guts to start a Diesel.   
> It is better to carry a set of 4 ga to 0 ga jumper cables. Or, at lease 6 ga. 
>  those will work to charge the battery enough to start the engine if you give 
> them 5-10 min of charging, but they will get hot.
>> If I decided I wanted to have a jump start pack, how burly does it need to
>> be to be able to, say, start the OM606 from dead battery status?
>> Bob R
> First time I ever saw one, I was working for the Univ out at the old research 
> reactor site, driving the 240D.  15-20 below, the car would not start.  The 
> univ jump start guys walk out with this jump pack thing and clip it on.  It 
> was exactly like nothing was there.
> I politely suggested if they have real jumper cables, that they should try 
> that.  They did, and it started right up.
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