On 2/11/06, paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If taking some personal moral high-road based on things you've seen on
> Dateline or 60 Minutes floats your boat, then good for you.
> Again - no one is forcing anybody to work there.  If you work for
> Wal-Mart and find their employment practices unacceptable, WORK

I hate to wade into the middle of this, but you might want to find
some kevlar. I take personal offense to this statement. You seem to
think things are simple, or laid out in some distinctly straight line.
You say work somewhere else like finding a job is as easy as falling
down flights of stairs.

A few years ago, I worked for a Level 3 NAP. A Network Access Point.
An ISP to ISP's Our peers were well known names, AT&T, Sprint, AOL. I
was a skilled worker, UNIX knowledge, Cisco training. Deep deep tech
industry mantra, magics and lore. They bought a competitor and I found
myself downsized.

But I didn't worry, I had skills, and certifications, and schooling. I
would venture forth and find me work. A week turned to three, then
seven, then 3 months. Savings began to feel the strain. I had a family
to feed, and luckily my wife happened to have an "above average
income" job at $11.00 an hour

The IT job market where I was and as it was, flooded with competent
people. Door after door slammed in my face. I started searching for
anything to make money. Line tech at a Jiffy Lube, Door to Door
salesman of replacement windows, Taco Bell manager. Jobs I was
overqualified for, and bruntly told so.

All told I was laid off for almost 9 months before I finally "found
another job." Your cruel and callous statement only says to me that
you have no vision but where your head is firmly stuck and you have no
knowledge of the struggles of your fellow man around you just barely
able to make by. If finding another job is so simple, Sir, I challenge
you to call your boss this moment to resign and find another.

Call me in 9 months to let me know how you are doing.

Knowledge is power... Power Corrupts. Study hard... Be Evil.

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