As my father always said, "If you want something done right, do it

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Fred Moir via Mercedes <> wrote:

> Had an interesting morning on tuesday.
> Tuesday is take-my-granddaughter-to-breakfast day and we were in traffic,
> going by the rehab hospital when the traffic stopped for a red light.
> Why are we not slowing down, SH*T no brakes! Managed to avoid the car in
> front by swerving into the gutter and stomping on the (Bloody Awkward)
> emergency brake and stopped. Whew.
> With almost no brake fluid and only minimal rear braking, crept to NAPA
> for juice and slowly down the street to breakfast. Crept home again.
> The people that I normally use to do the repairs that I don't want to do
> recently replaced the passenger caliper, both disks and pads in the front.
> It appears that the mechanic (moron) who replaced the caliper, unscrewed
> the unit from the hose and re-threaded the new caliper onto the old hose.
> Then twisted the caliper to fit against the mounting lugs. This left a
> curl in the hose that rubbed against the tyre, and, e viola, no F******G
> brakes!
> They will get a present of the hose from me as a learning aid. New hoses
> installed by Fred.
> I got hosed, even though it was suggested that a new pair of hoses would
> be a good idea.
> I'm getting too old for this sh*t.
> Fred Moir.
> Lynn MA.
> Diesel preferred.
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OK Don

*“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of
our people need it sorely on these accounts.”* – Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2012 Passat TDI DSG, 44 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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