On Mar 6, 2006, at 11:10 PM, Peter Frederick wrote:

Safari 2.1 -- requires OS 10.3 or better.  I don't have it, and could
only use it on the Wallstreet anyway -- my Beige G3 is quite cranky
enough as it is, I don't want to risk the workaround to get 10.3 or
10.4 installed on it.


Do you like real old Macs? I come across stuff all the time. In fact the Summer before last, someone loaded my parts 300Sd up wit a bunch of old Macs. I thought of trying to do something with them but couldn't come up with anything practical. I have a bunch (6) fruit flavored iMacs. 2 slot loaders I use around here on my home network and the others (1 slot loader and 3 tray- loaders) I "loaned" to friends who wanted to try a Mac. I gave another tray-loader to Richarde a couple of years back. Everyone is still using them and most have switched or rarely use their PCs. These old machines just keep plugging away. The DV slot loaders have FireWire and can take 1GB RAM they run Tiger just fine for machines made in 1999 and 2000.I often wonder why some folks keep using the earlier ones that can't be upgraded to the most modern OS when the iMacs are almost free to a good home.
        What's your reason? If you don't mind me asking.

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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