Max -- I've done a lot.  It's pretty easy but it makes a bit of a mess in the cutting/trimming.  Once you do it you'll never look at your workbenches the same way!

Cut a piece about the size of what you need (strips to do the edges first) using a fine saw as Rick says to cut your "blanks." Use contact cement on the base and the back of your laminate, let it dry, put some little spacer sticks on the base to keep the stuff from sticking, get it sorta lined up where you want it (you'll have the excess from  your "about the size") then start pulling up the spacers as you go and press the laminate down as you pull up the spacers.  You don't want "bubbles" in it so you have to press it down as you go, evenly.

Then use a router with a straight flush-cutting bit/bearing to trim the excess on the edges flush with the edge of the base material.  Then do your top same way.  You'll probably want a 45deg flush/bearing trim bit for the front edges as the straight cuts like on the edges (under the top piece) can be really sharp. You can also use a fine file or a sanding block to just knock off that sharp edge a bit if you use the straight trim bit.  A little trim router ($20 at HF with a coupon is your friend), bits are probably as much as the router as you want those to be nice and sharp and good quality -- Lowes or HD for those.

You'll want to really press hard on that stuff after you get it laid down to bond the contact cement, I used to have a roller for it but you can also use a block of wood and a hammer/mallet, or a rubber mallet that won't ding the laminate.  You just want some good pressure on it.

If you want to cut a strip blank shorter you can score it with a razor knife and bend it to break it fairly cleanly (you'll trim it off anyway).

I think Lowes/HD sell the stuff in some basic colors, if not there are some supply houses around that can get you most any color you want.

Bob's your uncle unless he identifies as Bobbi in which case he's your aunt.


On 1/16/18 3:53 PM, Rick Knoble via Mercedes wrote:
Max asks:

‎My main question right now is cutting >the stuff, do I need a special saw /
saw blade or technique?
Use a fine crosscut blade (like for veneer plywood), and apply tape to both 
sides of the area to be cut.


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