> OK wrote:

> Then you have heavy trucks trying to pass each other with a
> speed delta of 1mph - - -

It's not fun for the driver either.  And if you have never been in
that seat, it is hard to understand.

A common scenario viewed from the truck that is passing:
Due to max power or nannies the top speed is limited.  This other
truck is slower - sometimes just a bit, others times enough to be
annoying.  He is doing his best.  Foot to the floor, figuring
eventually the pass will be complete.  But to stay behind can mean
a forced downshift - and possibly that downshift could mean 10 MPH
at the top of the hill.  And the driver is usually paid by mile -
not hour.  And so what if it gets in the way of a "4-wheeler" 
(cars and pickups with 4 wheels - as apposed to "big trucks" or
"18"s) - they are just a nuisance to the pros anyway.

Then the truck being passed:
Due to max power or nannies the top speed is limited.  He is doing
all he can to go as fast as he can.  Can't get a "running start"
on the hill because of the top speed limiter.  And on this slope
(a hill from the view behind the big steering wheel, but the cars
may not even notice it's not flat) the truck is _just_ holding in
this gear at this speed.  And someone is passing - slooowly.  He
could slow down - but even a two second gap in the power will
require a downshift.  And that could mean  10 MPH or so slower for
the rest of the hill.  So if that fellow wants to pass that's fine
- but don't expect him to "sacrifice" that much just to help out
the "4-wheelers"

Just a glimpse of the view from the perspective of the driver.


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