R/E's been an education in what constitutes a seriously high signal to
noise ratio.

Recent history:
My '87 TD got whacked back in mid Feb when a genius ripped a u-turn
from the curb in the middle of a block right into my path.  After much
circumlocution from his insurance company including a lowball offer to
total it accompanied by a check for a paltry $3800, it looks as though
they've caved and are going to pay for its repair.  That's to be
confirmed today or Monday or hopefully shortly thereafter when their
agent up in the Redding area, where it was transported last weekend,
works her magic on the parts list the body man has come up with to
arrive at a total cost for repairs.  The wagon was appraised for
$11.5K by an independent appraiser - hired by Farmers, which is a
whole nother story - so I'm quite hopeful that by the end of April
I'll have it back with a new late production face lift.  Once that
hook is fully set I'll cast a few more lines in optimistic hope of
also snagging restitution for costs and loss of use.  If they try to
tangle those lines I'll look forward with no little relish to dragging
them into small claims court & scaling them in public.

BTW, I'm currently on digest so in the unlikely event anyone thinks I
may have something useful to contribute, a cc to me privately just may
elicit a more timely response.


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