On Mar 31, 2006, at 11:20 PM, redghost wrote:

I learned that if I want anything, I have to be first in the door. Got
a CD stereo and some other junk today.  Really makes the mezkins mad
when the white guy is there waiting for the car.  Keeps them under
control until I walk away.  May have to do with telling them to give
the fork lift a chance to set the car down before descending.   Also
told them that even vultures wait until the thing is dead before they
attack.  One beaner who thought he was smarter tried to get the car
while still on the forks.  When it was lowered, it slid and he almost
got smooshed.

There was a 4runner set out that they actually got to before I saw it
coming.  PiraƱa have better manners and take a bit longer to strip
their prey.

Thanks, we can always count on you to point out what a bigot you really are.

Johnny B.
I Mac Therefore I am

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