PNW news outlets are spinning WAGs as soon as any half reliable or interesting 
talking head pops out of the woodwork.  One small group of medical people posit 
it may be an auto immune reaction.  The young have not encountered enough 
interesting things, so all vectors are novel and elicit a mild enough response. 
 The aged have a lifetime of antibodies built up and this one is So Very 
Interesting to them that a massive assault is launched which mirrors an auto 
immune response.

I am not a doctor and do not play one on TV, nor have I played doctor since I 
was out of knee length britches.  Now, go about your business and get off my 
damn lawn


> On Mar 9, 2020, at 5:44 PM, G Mann via Mercedes <> wrote:
>> Does the virus recur like herpes or polio?  Are there unknown long-tern
> effects, like sterility?
> Although death has been proven to cause a loss of reproduction, other long
> term effects are, as yet, unknown in full.
> The DNA [virus does not actually have "DNA" but it does have something like
> it, the tech name escapes me at the moment] HOWEVER, reports thus far say
> it has 3 separate receptors [very unusual]
> They are being reported as SARS , MERSA, and HIV1.
> Upon exposure and infection, one of the 3 receptors attaches to the lung
> tissue [apparently it is engineered to use the lung as the host organ for
> all 3]
> The first receptor to attach assualts the human and the human responds with
> antibodies to resist THAT vector.. say for example SARS.. the body throws
> an all in assault against the SARS infection and builds antibodies to
> combat SARS...
> Presume the individual is successful, and recovers, but the 3 headed virus
> now has antibodies against 1 of the heads.... after a "dormat stage" one of
> the remaining 2 attaches to the host and starts yet another assault... the
> host human.. weakened by assault #1 now has to fight assault #2 from a
> weakened state...
> Followed by assault #3.....
> If this information is indeed factual, it is a very nasty SOB, and wisdom
> says it did not occur in nature.... [calculate the odds of all three
> combining via "natural causes" and then send me the winning lottery numbers
> for this weeks drawing please]
> Chinese Communist Party certainly knows what was being worked at Wuhan
> Level 4 Lab... My bet is this is the root cause of the extreme lock down
> and containment efforts.
> Then again, it is "above my pay grade", thus mere speculation.


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