<<Over here it is the law that every truck has two large signs on the back 
that states to give way to turning heavy vehicles. This is mainly related to
when a truck has to turn from the outside lane around a corner but it is also 
related to changing lanes.>>

It is fairly common now to see a sign on the trailer of a semi which reads 
"caution this vehicle makes wide right turns" with a depiction of the vehicle 
turning. These signs are a good idea but do not grant a god-given right to run 
over another vehicle that may be trapped with no out.

<<Basically if a truck says it has to change lanes you get out of it's way. I 
think what Robert is trying to say is, using the indicator is politely
asking people to make room for you, pushing into their lane is telling them 
to get the hell out of the way because I have to be where you are.>>

There was nothing polite about his wholehearted approval of "ditching" some 
poor bastard who didn't clear off.

<< Some drivers need to be reminded that they are not the only person on the 
road and there is a code of conduct (enforced by laws) to be followed. If you
decide not to follow this code you will have to face the consequences of your 

That applies to all.

As for me, I don't drive in a heavy vehicle's blind spots and if I am coming 
up on the right (legal in the US)   and I see he needs to move right, I will 
give him a flash and yield. On the left if there is a speed differential I 
accelerate smartly so he can maintain his momentum.

But he had damned well not try to "ditch" me because in this state that is an 
ticketable offense called Unsafe Lane Change.


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