Christopher McCann wrote:
<<<So I drove the 1985 300SD for 300 miles the other day. No  problems.
Next morning, I start the car, need to depress the accelerator to get   it to 
start (it was not cold out) and once started, if I left off the   pedal, it 
would stall. After holding it at normal idle for a minute or  so,  it would 
idle at low speed, but not stall...unless I put it in  gear. Once  the engine 
up to operating temp, it idles perfectly  normally and there  are no other 
 It now does this every time I start it when the engine is cold.  Ambient 
temp has nothing to do with it.

Any ideas as to what is going on?


Chris and all,
I, too, have just about the identical problem, and my valve are adjusted  
within specs.  The compression on all five cylinders are good.  The  only thing 
have noticed lately is that I seem to use more oil than I used to,  about a 
quart every 1200 miles.  Also, when I floor the accelerator I  notice smoke in 
the rear view mirror lit be approaching headlights.
I know Chris and I would really like to solve this problem.
Mike Netzky
83 300D  190,000 miles

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