I was corresponding with Bjorn in Norway on the SL list about his
Smart about 4 years ago - asking if they might be feasible for a 25
mile commute at speeds from 60 to 75 mph (converted to kilometers
first) among the semi's, etc. He replied that that's exactly how he
uses his, and has no problems with the other traffic, getting blown
off course, etc.
Realistically, I have no idea if the commuting conditions in Norway
are in any way comparable to the US, but I was encouraged. The price
projected for the US however, kills it for me ----

On 11/6/06, Jeff Zedic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow are you guys ever getting ripped off!! They are nowhere near $30k here
in Canada...They start at $18k

Keep in mind, this is NOT their latest blunder...this is a 10 year old car.
It's just that once again the US is draggin up the rear. This car is
desgined for the city people who need a runabout in town. It''ll happily do
75mph all day. There's millions of them in my neighbourhood here in Toronto.
They are zippy and move easily in traffic.

They'd kick the shit out of a 240D in a race.

Here's the Wikipedia link


Jeff Zedic

Norman, OK
"The Americans will always do the right thing... after they've
exhausted all the alternatives."
Sir Winston Churchill
'90 300D, '87 300SDL, '81 240D, '78 450SLC, '97 Ply Grand Voyager

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