"Dave Wakin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What really got me was that when we went to sell our house, it was
> worth the same price as one that was of similar size and location,
> regardless of what the differences were in construction and detail.

Yep, that's the reality of residential real estate.  It is rare for a
house to be saleable at much more than the average square foot price
for the neighborhood.

The appraiser basically takes the average of several recent sales of
similar square footage in the neighborhood.  That's why the
conventional wisdom is not to improve your home much over the average
of your neighborhood if you are planning to recoup the investment.  If
you want to do it for your own long-term enjoyment, fine, but it'll be
hard to sell for more than average regardless.


1983 300D
1966 230

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