"LarryT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Am I being unreasonable?  Shouldn't the transmission on a $50,000
> car (new price) last for 300K or 500K without being opened for work?
> And of course, the W140s cost twice that much when new - and they
> have things like wiring harnesses that self-destruct?  Shouldn't
> that be a dealer repair regardless of who owns the car when the
> problem surfaces?  Also, regardless of the miles.  Afterall, wire is
> not something that *wears out*.  How many of us have wiring in our
> house that 30,50 or 80 years old?  Except for a poor choice of
> materials at some times, it lasts and lasts.  Unless you own a
> Mercedes, then it destroys itself.

Probably more financial than technical reasons for this.  When most
people these days keep a car for less than five years, there's little
motivation for the manufacture to make them last 20 years and half a
million miles.  High-line cars are often leased for only two years so
that lowers the threshold even more.

Unfortunately I think the "bean counter" mentality has won out over
the engineers on these issues.

1983 300D
1966 230

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