> I bought new 7 years earlier. Was there another number above the 16C
> hexadecimal calculator, like maybe an 18C for Engineers?

Not in that line, the 16C was it.  The 15C was the engineering
model.  What the world 'needs' is a 15C/16C hybrid, built in
the old style.  Maybe without the matrix functions or something.
I have a place in my heart/life for a good _calculator_, if the
going gets heavy I'm going to reach for a computer anyway.

> I always thought of the 12C as the gold trimmed brain damaged
> sibling of my 11C, but it seemed to be in the stores long after
> the 15C was discontinued.

It was.  The 12C holds the record for the longest-lived
production consumer electronics device, period.  Made
essentially unchanged since 1981, and perhaps still in
production.  I understand that this is partly because it
is one of the few certified-for-MBA calculators you can
buy.  (That is, its financial algorithms are 'blessed'.)


-- Jim

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