It's like the rivalry between GM and Fraud, each thinks the other are a 
bunch of wallys.
Obviously I am biased but generally money waster drivers tend to be 
worse drivers, displaying a lot of bad habits.
I don't think so much prestige driven (specially not with bargain bin 
Mercs) but more the desire for quality and a car that is worth putting 
money and effort into.

who is off to the country club for a round of golf and then may take the 
yacht for a spin, perhaps I'll have time to fire up the private jet for 
quick trip

ned kleinhenz wrote:
> Sorry guys, I don't understand some of this stuff.
> How can Mercedes owners disparage about  BMW owners?
> My little secret confession - I own an old MBZ diesel for comfort and
> utility.
> And I own an old BMW .. for fun.
> The first time I drove one of those nimble little rockets, I decided that
> some day I gotta git one a doze.
> But people who drive any other brand of car seem quick to assume a jerk off
> attitude by anyone who drives a BMW.
> It is the ultimate of ludicrous to read it on a Mercedes list.  Like - isn't
> everyone that drives a Mercedes a prestige driven snob?
> Oh well, back to wrench turning to keep this old German stuff on the road.
> Ned Kleinhenz
> E300D
> Z3 2.8

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