Lets just say fuel cost $10/g... what changes in your lifestyle/driving 
habits would you make?

I have a 2.5 mile one-way commute... so I'm pretty lucky in that regard. 
  I currently drive home to eat lunch, and I would stop doing that on a 
daily basis.  Also, in our mild southern winter I would try biking to 
work as often as possible.  No way I would do that in the summer... I 
don't want to stink up the whole office!

Eating out would at a nice restaurant would be a super special occasion 
(I rarely do it as it is), and fast food would be greatly reduced.  All 
trips to Wal-Mart, Lowes, etc (both about 3-5 miles depending on route) 
would be a little more planned.

I would probably sell all my cars except for the CDI and wagon.  Wagon + 
trailer would be my pickup.  I might even sell the CDI as I couldn't 
afford to go on road-trips anyway!  If nothing else the amount of cars I 
have insured would be limited to two.

Road trips would be nearly nonexistent. It would cost over $150 to see 
my parents on the coast!  Don't even want to think about going to 
Phoenix to see family.  I'm sure flying would be just as expensive though.

What would you guys do?


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