Greetings Mercurial Community!

As hopefully everyone is aware, the 4.4 sprint ( <>is coming up in two and a half weeks. Please make sure you have copied your name from the "Availability" list to the "Attendance" list if you are planning on coming (currently our confirmed numbers are about half of those a year ago in Paris and I'll confirming numbers would also be awesome).

As we have have learned from the past few sprints, a little bit of planning has helped us get the most out of these events. I wanted to propose a tentative schedule and solicit feedback now so we can hit the ground running when the sprint starts on Friday, September 29.

Once we agree on a schedule that at least most of us are okay with, I’ll add it to the sprint wiki. Also, Kostia Balytskyi and I are volunteering to help organize the sprint on-the-ground (to help ensure we’re covering as much ground as possible during the three days of the sprint).

# Proposed Schedule Draft

## Friday
9-10am arrive, get breakfast at FB office, mingle
10am-noon: Welcome and Status Updates
* state of the community (updates from the steering committee)
* state of the tooling (updates about the build bots and systems on * state of the code (updates on statistics about code contributions and code review)
* state of hg at company X (BitBucket, Mozilla, Unity, Google, FB, etc)
noon-1:00pm: lunch at FB cafeteria
1:00-3:00pm: breakout sessions on major topics, with notetakers in etherpad (will use wiki ideas to pre-seed)
3:00-3:30: break
3:30-5:30: breakout sessions continue
5:30: order Saturday breakfast
6:00-evening: dinner at FB office, enjoy Dublin, etc

## Saturday
9-10am: arrive, eat breakfast, mingle
10am: order lunch
10:30am-noon: Tech Talks – interesting project presentations (will have sign ups before and at sprint)
noon-1:00pm: eat lunch
1:00-5:30 hackathon, fix some low-hanging bugs, implement some quick features, etc (needs reviewers!)
5:30: order Sunday breakfast
6:00-evening: dinner out in Dublin, enjoy the brisk Irish air, etc

## Sunday
9-10am: arrive, eat breakfast, mingle
10am: order lunch
10:30am-noon: Vision statements – directions we’d like to see mercurial go in the future (good idea?)
noon-1:00pm: eat lunch
1:00-3:00pm: breakout sessions
3:00-3:30: break
3:30-5:30: breakout sessions
5:30-evening: freedom!

Please help paint this bikeshed! All ideas will be considered.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in a couple of weeks!

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