> On Sep 14, 2017, at 01:16, Gregory Szorc <gregory.sz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you and Kostia for volunteering to organize things on the ground! The 
> sprints can be chaotic and I'm sure you'll make great masters-of-ceremony.


> While the draft schedule seems very reasonable (I'd be happy if it were the 
> final schedule), I'd like to throw out a few ideas and observations.
> Experience from previous Sprints tells me that people are pretty drained by 
> the 3rd day. I like the idea of a "vision statements" session to hash out 
> project direction. But I'm a bit worried about doing that on Sunday. If we 
> have the session, I'd prefer see it done on Friday or Saturday when everyone 
> is still pretty fresh. I /think/ it would make a natural follow-up to the 
> "state of" sessions. Maybe we could do it after lunch on Friday? Although I 
> do worry about information overload if we stack all the heavy talking on 
> Friday. It might also be useful for people to have time to digest all the 
> "state of" information and to connect with others before we start thinking 
> about vision statements.

Maybe we could do state-of things quickly Friday morning after introductions, 
capped at an hour *total*, and then talk vision statement etc Saturday morning 
when we're all fresh.

> Personally, I love when things get done at the Sprint. The best Sprints for 
> me are when I walk away feeling energized about what was accomplished. 
> Something I feel has been lacking from previous Sprints is a natural "book 
> end" to the event. Sundays can kind of tail off and fizzle. What do others 
> think about some kind of "closing" event where we announce accomplishments 
> and leave on a high note?

Sounds like something we should try.

> Another area I'd like to explore is establishing more formal goals or even 
> "tracks" for the Sprint - before the Sprint starts. It would be cool if by 
> the time I get on a plane I have a pretty good sense of what we're going to 
> try to do at the Sprint. For example, perhaps a few people sign up for Python 
> 3 porting, others on storage futures, another group on UX papercuts, and 
> another group on bug triage and fixing. Being a reviewer and patch author, if 
> I have time to "page in" areas that I know will be a focus at the Sprint, it 
> should enable me - and others - to have a more productive Sprint.
> Finally, I'd really like to make sure we address as many of the "only at the 
> Sprint" activities as we can. We tend to save many of our larger backwards 
> compatibility breaking decisions for Sprints. Going back to knowing what will 
> happen before the Sprint, if we could get a list of major proposals on the 
> wiki before the Sprint so everyone has time to digest them and isn't 
> surprised by the crazy ones, I think that would go a long way.
> Thanks again for starting this thread, Ryan!
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