Sean Farley a écrit :
> I want to bring up a discussion about the next location for the sprint.
> In my recent travels, I talked with ~10 people who expressed some
> reservations about being able to make the next sprint if it is held in
> Japan.

Thanks for bringing this discussion up!

> The major reasons for me are:
> - a lot of Europeans were (and still are) unable to travel to the US
>   easily; therefore, weren't able to make it to the last sprint
> - since people weren't able to make it to the last sprint (me
>   included!), there was a tradition of having the 2nd sprint of the year
>   in Europe. This would be ~15 people for the 4.8 sprint

I've attended to the last two sprints in Europe (where I live) and but
did attend those in the US. This is mainly for personal reasons; not
that I can't travel to the US (nor anywhere else), but rather that I try
to avoid long travels unless I feel it's really worth it. So I won't go
to Japan and, likewise, I won't necessarily go anywhere in Europe.

As a casual contributor, attending to a sprint regularly (once a year is
okay, perhaps one year and a half would be too) and meeting the
community helps me staying involved.

That being said, I understand that people in Asia might have the same
wish to have a sprint held close to where they live. So I totally in
favor of adding other locations for sprints!

> So, I was thinking of proposing the following compromise: having the 4.8
> sprint in Europe and inserting Japan into the rotation after that (e.g.
> 5.0 is in Japan and 5.2 is in North America).

Seems fine to me (obviously). Otherwise, when is supposed to be the next
sprint in Europe if the next one is in Japan? Does the Japan sprint
intercalate or replace the one in Europe?
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