> 2) I don't think heat is the problem.  The problems start within 5-10
> seconds of starting prime and stop as soon as prime is halted.

I never said anything about heat. I said electromagnetic radiation. It
emenates (sp?) from anything that is electrical. The more electricity,
themore emenations. It works the same way as a radio transmitter, and
unfortunately your graphics card appears to be the receiver so to speak...

> 3) The on-board ATI graphics chip is about 2 cm away from the Slot1,
> directly underneath the CPU's big heat sink.

Hmmm, sounds pretty suspicious to me. I would move it down a slot or

> 4) The distributed.net client does not cause this behavior.  My
> understanding is that it does not use either FPU or cache.

Huh? If you are LL testing you are using FPU and cache. I'm almost as sure
that applies if you are factoring as well. 

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