> Accccckkkkkk!  That was rather inexact wording.  Let me try again...my
> Celeron 400 based systems crunch exponents in the 384K FFT range at about
> the same speed as George's PII-400 machine.  However, at the 448K FFT size,
> George's machine appears to be 20% or more faster than my Celeron 400s.
> Could the 128K L2 cache of the Celeron chips (vs. the 512K L2 cache of the
> PIIs) be the culprit?

I'm sorry if my last message hit the list, both messages should just 
be ignored, this is just to correct the last one..

448k, 100MHz bus
cel 450 = 2.57 sec
p3 = 2.49 sec
less than 20%
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