On 20 Sep 99, at 1:06, Rick Pali wrote:

> The only question that comes to mind is if you had to plough through
> factoring before you got to the LL test...but then I realise that you still
> wouldn't be done if that were true.

You don't have to pre-factor, if you choose "Test" or "Time" from the 
"Advanced" menu.
> I signed up for an exponent in the 33mil range and the factoring alone took
> 13 days on a P3-500.

Ah, so we're maybe not doing enough trial factoring. I guess your 
completion time is about a year; trial factoring should take between 
5% and 10% of the time for a LL test, & 13 days is only about 3.5%. I 
think we should probably go one bit deeper, this would double the 
trial factoring time - but would save the whole year, if you managed 
to find a factor.

> I'd originally does it for testing purposes, but after
> that I've just got to let it continue. :-)

Well, why not?
> In a year's time, I'd love to see some numbers on how many signed up for tem
> million digit numbers and later quit for smaller exponents...

I think you need to be a true enthusiast to take on a single test 
taking ~ 1 year. Lots (attracted by ca$h) won't realise what it 
means, for a week or two, & may then drop out 8-( To avoid this 
happening to too many people, I think we should be a bit more upfront 
that testing a 10 million digit number is going to take about a year, 
even on a state-of-the-art system.

I have several fastish systems - a couple of them are running QA 
stuff at the moment - I may voluntarily take on a 10 million digit 
number on _one_ of them, but I certainly wouldn't choose to run tests 
of that length on _all_ of them!

Brian Beesley
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