> When pentium pro 200's were the hot new processor
> (in speed, more so than in wattage),
> I began running some dual-ppro-200 systems with two prime95 instances
> Those processors are still running it.
> I've never had to replace a cpu or motherboard
> (though occasionally a motherboard power connector
> had to be replaced because it burned up).
> I'm not sure but I think that's three years.

Until last August, my *original* Prime95 participant, a Pentium-100 running
first Win95, later Win98, faithfully chugged along 24/7.   I started this
CPU back when the very first Mersenne article came out in the San Jose
Mecury News.  This was long before GIMPS had found a prime.    Since this
win95 box's only other duty was print-server for a old inkjet, and the very
occasional fax, it went a month or more between reboots regularly.  Said
machine is still alive and well, only now its a 133MHz 64MB ram linux based
internet server for my DSL connection.  http://hogranch.com :)   The P100
was new when the first 133Mhz pentiums were becoming available and the 90s
and 100s got a lot cheaper.  Off the top of my head, I think it might be 5+
years old.  And, yes, I have a dual PPro-200 which has been running prime95
24/7 since it was built 3 years ago.


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