I admit I'm not that good in telling primenet what computers I have and
what throughput rate to expect.
eg.: I made 14 accounts all using the same 150 Mhz machine, though I
knew none or only few would be 150 Mhz. These accounts all run
occassionally, eg. in company holiday around the clock, outside of
holiday more random.
Over time I have been wiser to use more power of those machines staying
awake all night anyway. :-)
I would like to use the servers; but I haven't been able to persuade
George to make a Quit function like
             quit_at: 06:00
to terminate the program when users arrives and optimum performance is
needed (with no question what so ever about serverperformance); And I
don't wake up at 6 to turn prime95 or anything else off unless there is
a severe error reported by users.
Happy hunting

        -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- 
        Fra: Henk Stokhorst 
        Sendt: ma 29-10-2001 19:30 
        Til: Alan Vidmar; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Emne: Re: Mersenne: number of processors participating

        Alan Vidmar wrote:
        >  I suggest that there be a switch added so
        >that ppl can use Prime95 as a processor test but without ever
        >getting real assignments,...
        This is a VERY good suggestion. However it has already been
        in the latest version (v21). That version contains more
improvements so
        I wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to inform users through
        occasional newsletter. Particulary because it gives a 10%
        for Pentium I, II and III users and it skips P-1 if it has been
        Henk Stokhorst.
        PS those abandoned assignments do't slow down the project. They
        scatter the work over a larger range.
        Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.scruz.net/~luke/signup.htm
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