>>> That's my only point.  Rude, yes.  Morally/ethically/legally
    >>> there's really no problem with doing it.

legally, who knows - maybe there will be a court case some day
if some awful person poaches the >10M exponent ...  

but morally/ethically there is obviously a huge problem with poaching
exponents.  (obvious to anyone who has at least a tiny clue about
what morality & ethics *mean* .)

    Rob> On the basis of legality I would tend to agree with you
    Rob> however I beg to differ on the basis of ethics and morality,
    Rob> however I guess everyone is entitled to their own idea of
    Rob> what is morally and ethically ok.

no way!  i understand that statement is nonsense.  morality & ethics
are not defined by people's own ideas, they are defined *absolutely*
and NOT by any human.

just because today's politically-correct NewSpeak people have
redefined "morality" to mean "whatever an individual thinks is moral",
that doesn't mean that morality has actually been redefined.  moral
relativism is *bullshit* anywhere you find it, including here on this

while i'm at it, due to lots of P4 PC hardware problems i have a bunch
of doublecheck exponents checked out that will probably never get
processed by my re-re-re-re-formatted P4 PC.  so am now discovering
that i can unreserve them from a different machine than the one to
which they were originally assigned.  and i'm freeing a bunch in the
7M range presently...  if these exponents are of interest to anyone,
please have at them - primenet will probably assign them to you if you
request doublechecks 5 minutes after i send this email.



ps - subtle, aren't i?  ;) 
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