hi Aaron,

thanks for clarifying your position!  i'm a simpleton who lives often
below curb-height, and think poaching=stealing=wrong.  this exponent
poaching seems like a sort of stealing to me and it would surely tick
me off vastly if i found my 33M exponent was checked in a day before
my PC finished its ~3 months of work.  indeed if it did happen to me,
i would probably do as Mary has surmised and "resign" from GIMPS and
join another cooperative computing effort such as SETI or
anthrax-cure-finding or anthrax-genome-finding or whatever else.

i think i see your point regarding the state of 'exponent poaching'
long before i joined GIMPS, and how it is no longer useful.
thank you for educating me about the past history of "poaching" here
as well as the current state of the issue here.

as for parting company with my alleged opinion about "what to do": i
surely do not support hassling anyone by google-searches or posting
home addresses or phone numbers or anything like that.  a quick google
search for an email address, or a query to a mailing list, "does
anyone know how to contact this person so i can email them" doesn't
strike me as any sort of stalking... as long as it ends there, or
ends with what i saw here: "the guy's a ham-radio-dude, you can look
up his email address as a ham callsign or email this ham-mailing-list
to maybe find him".

as you might imagine by my "forward" use of language, i actually have
an internet stalker of my own.  he lives in the SF Bay Area, near
where i used to live, and he has done all sorts of threatening things
to myself and *many* others.  he has spent time in jail due to at
least some of: (convicted) violations of anti-stalking laws, (alleged)
firebombing of cars & businesses, and (convicted) child-porn
activities.  also he has lost some civil suits which he has initiated
against his detractors from various usenet groups.  so i understand
how horrible it is to be the target of a stalker and would never
support or contribute to such activity!



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