I'll forward your attempted post.  I don't remember Eric's prediction, but 
if true
it is quite insightful (or lucky).

>From: "Dale Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Predicting Mersenne Primes
>I tried to post this on the Mersenne mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
>but it never showed up.
>I was wondering if is was possible to predict where a Mersenne Prime will be?
>I ask because I was looking at the mersenne.org website and noticed that 
>it states that on December 6, 2001, the 39th known Mersenne Prime was 
>found. It was listed as 2^13466917-1.
>I was also looking through some of the past digests from the list and 
>noticed that an Eric Hahn posted a message on July 30, 2000, stating that 
>one of the ranges a Mersenne Prime should be found was between 
>2^13430227-1 and 2^13501387.

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