On Tuesday 03 December 2002 22:31, Daran wrote:
> [... snip ...]
> For clarity, let's write mD as x, so that for a Suyama power E, the
> exponent (x^E - d^E) is thrown into the mix when either x-d or x+d is prime
> in [B1...B2], (and only once if both are prime).  This works because
> (provide E is even) x^E - d^E = (x-d)*(x+d)*C where C is a sum of higher
> order terms. The benefit of prime-pairing arises when E=2.  The cost of
> higher E is AFAICS linear in multiplications.  The benefit of higher E
> comes from any additional factors thrown into the mix by C.  This benefit
> is greatest if C has factors slightly > B2
> For E=4, C = (x^2 + d^2)
> For E=6, C = (x^4 + x^2d^2 + d^4) = (x^2 + xd + d^2)*(x^2 - xd + d^2)
> For E=8, C = (x^2 + d^2)*(x^4 + d^4)
> I can't think of any reason why either of the two algebraic factors of C
> when E is 6 should be any better or worse than the single irreducible
> factor when E=4.  And there are two of them.  This suggests to me that E=6
> should be about twice as effective as E=4 in providing additional factors,
> at about twice the cost (over and above the 'cost' of E=2).  If this is
> correct, then it will always be worth going to E=6, whenever it is worth
> going to E=4, (provided there is sufficient memory to do so).

Let's see if I get this right.

Overwhelmingly, the factors produced by P-1 factoring come out because they 
are smooth to the limits selected. The fraction that comes out because of the 
extension is << 10%. To double that fraction (i.e. to increase the total 
number of factors found by < 10%) we have to double the stage 2 run time?
Doesn't sound that great to me, even without worrying about memory 

If we're talking about the _extra_ computation time in stage 2 then obviously 
the suggestion makes a lot more sense - though I think there needs to be a 
careful analysis as to what the extra computation time for actual E values 
might be (as opposed to a rather simplistic linear model, which fails to take 
into account that some of the "temporaries" needed for small E probably drop 
out pretty well "for free").

If we _don't_ have to worry about memory, at some point it becomes 
cost-effective to run ECM with small limits instead of P-1 with much larger 
limits. And ECM can "easily" dig out some factors which are more or less 
inaccessible with P-1.
[... snip ... I don't disagree but the basic argument is the same as above]
> In 2 out of the 29 stage 2 factors I have found so far using E=4, k has not
> been smooth to B2.  This suggests that increasing E from 4 to 12 could
> yield about 20% more factors.  I've done a few tests with a modified and
> recompiled client, which suggests that it would worth it even if E=12
> yielded as few as 10% more factors, though I need to investigate this
> further.

That's a very small sample. 

Some time ago I found a considerable number of first factors for exponents in 
the range 100,000-150,000 using P-1 with limits up to B1=10^6, B2=25x10^6. 
The results.txt file doesn't record the E value used; though I did have tons 
of memory available (in relation to the exponent size) and seem to remember 
something about wondering what E=12 meant in the console output. Or maybe I'm 
confusing this with recollections about running ECM?

My records show 67 factors found; I mailed George on one occasion because P-1 
found a factor which surprised me, but I don't think it happened twice.

Incidentally I found a factor only yesterday using P-1 on a production system:

[Tue Dec  3 07:54:38 2002]
P-1 found a factor in stage #2, B1=220000, B2=5665000.
UID: beejaybee/Procyon, M17359099 has a factor: 312980494172935109497751

Again no mention of E. If it helps, this system was set up to use 384 MBytes 
memory. In any case this should have come out without extensions; B1=65267 
B2=3077953 is sufficient to find the factor with the "standard" stage 2 

Would there be any means of retrieving actual factors found using P-1 and the 
E values used from the server logs? The problem otherwise is that, so far as 
the database is concerned, once a factor is found, nobody cares much how!

Brian Beesley
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