On 04/08/16 01:48, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
On 03.08.2016 23:28, Jose Fonseca wrote:


There are minor inconsistencies.  For example, it doesn't support
__func__,  but doing

  #define __func__ __FUNCTION__

suffices to make __func__ work compatible.

Wait a second ... IIRC, __FUNCTION__ was a non-standard gcc'ism - now
msvc support that, but lacks the standardized __func__ ? Seriously ?

__FUNCTION__ has been around for a very long time (before 1999), so it's no surprise that MSVC has it. But not implementing __func__ does seem a oversight. I believe they fixed it on MSVC 2015.

Anyway, this was just an example. Don't let it upset you. Keeping code portable is full of this small inconsistencies due to bugs/historical-reasons/etc. If this goes under your skin, then it might be better to spare your nerves and do something else.

Also MSVC C++ doesn't support many C99 that are not part of C++.  Where
as GNU C++ munches all.


To be clear, GNU C++ is the non-standard one here. MSVC is following the spec. It's just a ptty that the C and C++ standard bodies don't strive for consistency.

by the way: what's the exact reason for using msvc instead of gcc on
win32 ?

GCC on Win32 (MinGW) is not reliable (lots of known bugs.) But above all, it's impossible to debug Mingw executables on Windows: one has to use GDB to debug Mingw DLLs/EXEs because Microsft debuggers don't understand DWARF debug info, and one has to use Microsof debugger to debug Microsoft DLLs/EXEs. So it's impossible to debug an app that uses both, which is always the case if the OpenGL driver is built with GCC.

But Microsoft has been working on a Clang/LLVM frontend for their compiler, capable of genering debug info on MS format. So I have hopes we could one day switch to it. It still in its early infancy though.

hmm, I dont have any msvc here (actually, no windows at all), but I
could prepare patches, which other people could test.

You could make a fork on github and then register with AppVeyor.

yeah, already got it running.

can I also deploy it to some VM there and log in via VNC ?

No, not that I know of.


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