Hi Laura,

On 25 May 2018 at 01:27, Laura Ekstrand <la...@jlekstrand.net> wrote:
> When reviewing these patches, please note:
>         1. This patch series does *not* touch content.  Please do not bikeshed
>            the content of webpages here.  That will be addressed in later
>            commits.
>         2. Please do *not* bikeshed website style here.  We are using the
>            classic ReadTheDocs style for now and we will update style in a
>            future commit.
>         3. I've done my best to make your current content look beautiful.  If
>            there's a problem, please let me know.
>         4. There were some commits to the website between when I started this
>            series and now. I've done my best to incorporate your changes.
>            So if you changed your content in the past two weeks, take a look
>            at your page.

One thing I've just remembered is that https://www.mesa3d.org/archive/
serves all the tarballs for Mesa releases. Given how Pages is
structured, we don't have a good way to redirect these to the old
server, so the Pages repository needs to hold all the tarballs. This
probably suggests to me that the site should live in a different repo,
where we can just commit all the tarballs.

I reflexively didn't love the idea of committing tarballs to a git
repository, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
It makes it more clear where they're coming from, makes the provenance
easier to verify, gives us audit logs of who put them in, and so on.

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