On 4 June 2018 at 19:29, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
> Quoting Daniel Stone (2018-06-04 11:20:45)
>> Is git-lfs mainly about supporting large individual files, or large
>> collections of relatively small files? The tarballs aren't massive,
>> there are just tons of them. If it does seem like a good idea, I'll
>> get it set up in our instance.
> It's just for dealing with binary files in general. The advantage is that the
> binaries live on a generic file server so you don't have to fetch them if you
> don't want them (they show up as a text file with a hash until you fetch 
> them).
> I don't know if it's necessary I've just had good luck with it in the past for
> handling binaries.

Yeah, that sounds exactly like what we want then! I'll get it set up
during the week.

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