On 02/07/2013 01:57 AM, ritvik_sha...@dell.com wrote:

If I want to implement some OpesnGL function , say glLoadIdentity.

When I see the function declaration in Mesa or OpenGL its usually
defined as :

WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glLoadIdentity (void);

extern PFNGLLOADIDENTITYPROC __gleLoadIdentity;

#define glLoadIdentity __gleLoadIdentity

And on seeing how is this populated in the code I found

__gleLoadIdentity =

Can you guys help me in understanding the function definition of the
basic openGL functions without having to use GetProcAddress ? Or can
you suggest an alternative to how can these OpenGL defined?

GLE is an extension "loader" library. For simple GL apps you don't need to use it.

If you're using OpenGL 1.3 or older, all the GL functions should be defined in libGL.so and you can just call glLoadIdentity() directly.

When you're using later versions of OpenGL or some OpenGL extensions then using an extension helper like GLE or GLEW makes sense because you can ignore the GetProcAddress business. The deal is libGL.so is not guaranteed to export those newer/extension functions and the only way to access them is through GetProcAddress.


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