
At long last I succeed in building an poky image, based on 
packagegroup-ros-comm, that works for me -  but the rootfs is *way* to 
large 200Mb ++, I need to be max 50-70.

I tried to build a 'poky-tiny' distro, without ROS - it is nice and small, 
but it wouldn't build ROS, so back on 'poky'...

And as I've learned I will try to hunt down the top 90%  - the image is 
bloated with gcc, binutils, cmake, make... and libraries cc1 & cc1plus, 
taking up 30-50Mb

I have no intentions of building or installing anything on a running 
target. So all this seems like a good candidate to get rid of - I dont need 

An examination using *bitbake -u depexp -g  <image-name>* , reveals that 
only caktin depends on gcc.

So can I get rid of catkin ? (and how  ? )
I haven't got sufficient ROS experience, to figure out whether catkin is 
needed in some magical way behind the curtains.

If it's possible to get rid of catkin recipe, what is the best way to go 
about it then: 
* a .bbappend to packagegroup_ros_comm that _removes the catkin string ?
* or an entirely new recipe that copy ros_comm and just ommit catkin (I 
would like to avoid copying)

Or do any of you know a  fix,  that could build me a poky-tiny distro  with 

-Lars Larsen

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