Hi again

It's driving me crazy !! 

Is there *anybody* out there that can actually launch remotely with 
roslaunch  ?

I just realized that it's not only pycrypto, but also paramiko that  is 
missing both imported by remoteprocess.py
apparently they where once indpendant ros modules. but now they are rosdep 

I cant find them anywhere
None of the precanned recipes mention them
I tried all kind of things, not even the bare-bone 
core-image-ros-comm/world has pycrypto.


Den onsdag den 25. maj 2016 kl. 17.32.45 UTC+2 skrev 
> Hi 
> My last post on this matter, didn't spawn many answers so I try again. 
> Please help if you can.
> At the moment i have 2 computers named Computer -03 and computer-04, more 
> will come in the future
> I can ping and ssh between them with no problems, so my SSH keys and DNS 
> is ok
> this launch file
> <launch>
>>     <machine name="row-01" address="Computer-01" > </machine>
>>     <machine name="row-02" address="Computer-02" > </machine>
>>     <machine name="row-03" address="Computer-03-MASTER" 
>> env-loader="/opt/fpe/bin/ros_env.sh"  > </machine>
>>     <machine name="row-04" address="Computer-04" 
>> env-loader="/opt/fpe/bin/ros_env.sh"> </machine>
>>     <machine name="row-05" address="Computer-05" > </machine>
>>     <node name="periphealsdetector" pkg="periphealsdetector" 
>>  type="periphealsdetector" machine="row-03" respawn="true" > </node>
>>    <node name="lyt" pkg="fpe_beginner_tutorials" type="lytter" 
>> machine="row-04" >  </node>
>>    <node name="tal" pkg="fpe_beginner_tutorials" type="taler" 
>> machine="row-03" > </node>
>> </launch>
> /opt/fpe/bin/ros_env.sh 
> #!/bin/bash
>> ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/indigo
>> ## this is useed to kill it again
>> ROS_HOME=/home/root
>> ROS_PORT=46500   #
>> ROS_IP=$(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | 
>> awk '{print $1}')
>> PATH=$PATH:/opt/ros/indigo/bin:/opt/fpe/bin
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib
>> PYTHONPATH=/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/site-packages
>> CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/ros/indigo
>> export ROS_MASTER_URI=
>> exec "$@"
> On Computer-03 (which is 192.168,.1.197) I execute
> roslaunch -p ${ROS_PORT} ./master.launch
> I get:
>> ... logging to 
>> /home/root/log/1f01669c-227d-11e6-8bd4-08002775a53d/roslaunch-Computer-03-1010.log
>> Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
>> Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
>> Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
>> started roslaunch server
>> remote[Computer-04-0] starting roslaunch
>> remote[Computer-04-0]: creating ssh connection to Computer-04:22
>> remote[Computer-04-0]: failed to launch on row-04:
>> *pycrypto is not installed*
>> [Computer-04-0] killing on exit
>> unable to start remote roslaunch child: Computer-04-0
>> The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
> I see that  indigo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/roslaunch/remoteprocess.py 
> expect to find pycrypto installed.
> then why doesn't the roslaunch.bb make sure pycrypto is present as a run 
> dependency ?
> where do I patch ??
> -Lars

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