Nicolas R Cueto wrote:

> 2. how to receive feedback about student performance. The only two
> non-paper scenarios I can envision are:
>  [a] saving to floppy. Does MC have a save-file dialog (like MSWord's),
> or will I need to know beforehand the directory letter for the floppy
> drive on my student's home computer?
>  [b] e-mail. Assuming the student is on-line while the stack is up, is
> there a one-click way for an MC standalone to send text as e-mail, or am
> I looking at something more complex here? (Note: all I have is an e-mail
> account.)

I haven't used the e-mail solution, and I'm sure someone else has and
will be able to give you some guidance on that. I have saved files with
feedback, though. You can use the askFile command to open a dialog and
prompt for a file name, allowing the user to save it to floppy or
directly to the hard drive. 

The Cross Worlds site has a nice discussion of using files. The URL for
the MetaClass file is If you haven't
already, explore their MetaCard's got some neat stuff.

Mary Bull

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