At 5:10 PM +0000 9/12/1999, Peter Reid wrote:
>I seem to be having some problems using MC 2.2.5 with a Mac (running
>MacOS 8.6) and getting a group to scroll.
>Firstly, I don't seem to be able to set the thumbSize for a
>scrollBar, it looks to be its default size whatever its actual size
>it is set to?

If you use the "built-in" scrollbars for  the group, you won't have 
to worry about setting any scrollbar properties. You can set 
horizontal and vertical scrollbars for groups in the group properties 

>However, I'm also struggling to get the behaviour I'm after.  My
>window layout is as follows:
<diagram snipped>
>The scrollable area is actually about 3-4 times larger than the
>viewable area. The pseudo Netscape button and status bars are all
>part of a group which sits in front of the scrollable page group,
>providing a 'frame' for the page.
>Whenever I try editing the page group all I can see is a fixed area
>which is hard to manipulate so I can extend its length and include
>additional elements such as fields, buttons, etc.
>I can scroll to the top of my 'page', but whenever I try scrolling
>to the bottom, I always end up with some of the group missing (and
>not just the bit obscured by the bottom status bar).
>Anyone able to suggest the scripting necessary to get the group to
>scroll within a zone like this and how I can easily edit an oversize

Here's a suggestion (it still requires some struggling).

First create a graphic rectangle and set its width and height to the 
likely maximum width and height of the group. These are the overall 
dimensions, not the visible height and width. (You can adjust this 
later after editing.)

Make a group from the rectangle. Set the scrollbar properties.

Set the width and height properties for the group. These will be the 
visible dimensions of the group. Position the group where you want 
it. Set the lockLocation property to true. (If you don't do this, the 
group will resize to its full size (formattedHeight and 
formattedWidth) whenever you edit it. Not pleasant!

When you edit a group, its scrollbars won't be visible while in 
editing mode. So first you need to scroll to the position you want to 
edit, then go into editing mode. When you need to edit in a non 
visible location, you need to come out of editing mode, adjust the 
scroll, and go back in again.

When you've finished the editing, hide the rectangle. This will force 
the group to shrink to the overall dimensions of the objects in the 

Let me know if you find an easier way to do this. :)

In general, I prefer to get all the objects I need into a group 
first, and then set the various sizes and locations afterwards by 

Dave Cragg

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